Bush China Foundation Podcast

The China-Texas Nexus

Bush China Foundation Season 3 Episode 3

In recent years, China has moved to the center of the federal public policy agenda. Increasingly, it has become a significant topic at the state level, as well. The economic and commercial relationship between China and the state of Texas is substantial and indeed globally significant; China is among Texas’ top export destinations and sources of imports and investment and Chinese students attend Texas universities in large numbers. Despite these connections, some Texas state legislators are introducing bills aimed at immigrants and visa holders from China. One effort, discussed in this podcast, would ban Chinese immigrants from acquiring and owning real property in the state of Texas. If passed, such legislation would likely have far-reaching, and perhaps not fully understood, consequences for the state’s economy, inbound investment and the lives of the many Chinese immigrants who lawfully call Texas home. Another bill introduced after the recording of this podcast would bar Chinese immigrants from attending Texas public colleges and universities.

Joining David Firestein to explore the topic of China as a public policy issue in Texas as well as local AAPI issues is Texas State Representative Gene Wu, who represents part of Houston and is a lawyer by trade.